CITES listed Fauna and Flora of Nepal
By Simple Quiz, Published on Tuesday, March 28, 2023
CITES listed Fauna and Flora of Nepal | ||||
Mammals | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Habrey | Ailurus fulgens | Red Panda | I |
2 | Gaurigai | Bos gaurus | Gaur | I |
3 | Jangali chauri | Bos grunniens | Wild Yak | I |
4 | Bwanso | Canis lupus | Grey wolf | I |
5 | Hispid Kharayo | Caprolagus hispidus | Hispid Hare | I |
6 | Barhasingae | Cervus duvauceli | Swamp Deer | I |
7 | Jangali Hatti | Elephas maximus | Asiatic Wild Elephant | I |
8 | Charri Bag | Felis bengalensis | Leopard cat | I |
9 | Chirbirae biralo | Felis marmorata | Marble Cat | I |
10 | Sunaula biralo | Felis temmincki | Golden Cat | I |
11 | Oaat | Lutra lutra | Otter | I |
12 | Kathae bhalu | Melurus ursinus | Sloth Beer | I |
13 | Kasturi mirga | Moschus chrysogaster | Musk Deer | I |
14 | Ghoral | Naemorhedus goral | Himalayan Goral | I |
15 | Thar | Naemorhedus sumatraensis | Himalayan Serow | I |
16 | Dhawsae chituwa | Neofelis nebulosa | Clouded leopard | I |
17 | Nayan | Ovis ammon hodgsonii | Great Tibetan Sheep | I |
18 | Patae bag | Panthera tigris tigris | Royal Bengal Tiger | I |
19 | Chituwa | Panthera pardus | Common Leopard | I |
20 | Hiu chituwa | Uncia uncia | Snow leopard | I |
21 | Chiru | Pantholops hodgsoni | Tibetan Antelope | I |
22 | Sous | Platanista gangetica | Gangetic Dolphin | I |
23 | Lingsang | Prionodon pardicolor | Spotted Lingsang | I |
24 | Aaksingae gaida | Rhinoceros unicornis | One Horned Rhino | I |
25 | Himali kalo bhalu | Selenarctos (ursus) thibetanus | Himalayan Black Bear | I |
26 | Pudkae Bandel | Sus salvanus | Pygmy Hog | I |
27 | Langur Bandar | Semenopithecus entellus | Hanuman Langur | I |
28 | Khairo Bhalu | Ursus arctos | Brown Bear | I |
29 | Jangali kukur | Cuon alpinus | Wild Dog | II |
30 | Jangali gadha | Equus kiang | Tibetan wild Ass | II |
31 | Machha Marnae Biralo | Felis viverrina | Fishing Cat | II |
32 | Ban Biralo | Felis chaus | Jungle Cat | II |
33 | Oaat | Lutrogale perspicillata | Smooth Coated Otter | II |
34 | Pahan Biralo | Lynx lynx | Lynx | II |
35 | Salak | Manis crassicudata | Indian pangolin | II |
36 | Salak | Manis pentadactyla | Chinese Pangolin | II |
37 | Assami Bandar | Macaca assamensis | Assamese Monkey | II |
38 | Rato Bandar | Macaca mulata | Rhesus Monkey | II |
39 | Kalo Kasturi Mirga | Moschus fuscus | Black Musk Deer | II |
40 | Chamero(Thulo) | Pteropus giganteus | Flying fox | II |
41 | Kalo Lokharkae | Rutufa bicolor | Giant Squirrel | II |
42 | Thulo Lokharkae | Ratufa indica | Squirrel | II |
43 | Rukh Chuchundro | Tupaia glis | Tree Shrew | II |
44 | Chuchundro | Tupaia belangeri | Common Treeshrew | II |
45 | Krishna sar | Antilope cervicapra | Black Buck | III |
46 | Arna | Bubalus arnee | Wild Water Buffalo | III |
47 | Chauka | Tetracerus quadricornis | Four Horned Antelope | III |
Aves | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Dhanesh | Aceros nipalensis | Rufous Necked Hornbill | I |
2 | Hario Taukae Hans | Anas platyrhynchos | Laysan Teal(Mallard) | I |
3 | Chill | Aquila heliaca | Imperial Eagle | I |
4 | Bustard(Godabad) | Ardeotis nigriceps | Great Indian Bustard | II |
5 | Raj Dhanesh | Buceros bicornis | Great Pied Hornbill | II |
6 | Cheer Kalij | Catreus wallichi | Cheer Pheasant | II |
7 | Seto Garud | Ciconia ciconia | White Stork | II |
8 | Khar Mayur | Eupodotis bengalensis | Bengal Florican | II |
9 | Baaj | Falco jugger | Lagger falcon | II |
10 | Baaj | Falco peleggrinoides | Barbary Falcon | II |
11 | Shahi Baaj | Falco peregrinus | Peregrine | II |
12 | Krayang kurung | Grus nigricollis | Black necked Crane | II |
13 | Seto Puchharae Chil | Haliaeetus albicilla | White tailed Eagle | II |
14 | Danphae | Lophophorus impejanus | Himalayan Monal | II |
15 | Rato Taukae Hans | Rhodonessa caryophyllacea | Pink Headed Duck | II |
16 | Hiu Kukhura | Tetraogallus tibetanus | Tibetan Snowcock | II |
17 | Kalkiwala Jharra | Accipiter trivirgatus | Northern Goshawk | II |
18 | Jharna Banbaj | Accipiter gentilis | Pied Goshawk | II |
19 | Bhangeri Baaj | Accipiter virgatus | Eurasian Sparrow Hawk | II |
20 | Bhangeri Baaj | Accipiter nisus | Shikara | II |
21 | Giddha | Aegypius monachus | Crested Goshawk | II |
22 | Kirkirae Hans | Anas formosa | Besra | II |
23 | Dhanesh | Anthracoceros malabaricus | Black vulture | II |
24 | Sunaulo chil | Aquila chryssaetos | Baikal Teal | II |
25 | Thoplae chil | Awuila clanga | Pied Hornbill | II |
26 | Thulo chil | Aquila nipalensis | Golden Eagle | II |
27 | Sano Thoplae Chil | Aquila pomarina | Spotted Eagle | II |
28 | Chill | Aquila rapax | Steppe Eagle | II |
29 | Sano Kanae | Asio flammeus | Lesser Spotted Eagle | II |
30 | Lato Kosero | Asio otus | Tawny Eale | II |
31 | Lamkanae | Aviceda jerdoni | Short eared Owl | II |
32 | Lato Kosero | Aviceda leuphotes | Long eared Owl | II |
33 | Baaj | Bubo bubo | Asian Baza | II |
34 | Kalo Baaj | Bubo coromandus | Black Baza | II |
35 | Huchil | Bubo nipalensis | Eurasian Eagle Owl | II |
36 | Huchil | Butastur teesa | Dusky Eagle Owl | II |
37 | Ulak Latokosero | Buteo buteo | Forest Eagle Owl | II |
38 | Sano Jamal | Buteo hemilasius | White eyed Buzzard | II |
39 | Thulo Baaj | Buteo rufinus | Common Buzzard | II |
40 | Baaj | Ciconia nigra | Upland Buzzard | II |
41 | Baaj | Circaetus gallicus | Long leged Buzzard | II |
42 | Dhungaephore | Circus aeruginosus | Black Stork | II |
43 | Sarpahari chiil | Circus cyaneus | Short Toed Eagle | II |
44 | Sim Bhuichil | Circus macuourus | Western Marsh Harrier | II |
45 | Bori | Circus melanoleucos | Hen Harrier | II |
46 | Bori | Circus pygargus | Pale Harrier | II |
47 | Petaha/Bori | Elanus caeruleus | Pied Harrier | II |
48 | Baaj | Eupodotis indica | Montagu's Harrier | II |
49 | Chill | Falco amurensis | Black Shouldered Kite | II |
50 | Sano Khar Mayour | Falco cherrug | Lesser Florican | II |
51 | Amur Baaj | Falco chicquera | Amur Falcon | II |
52 | Baaj | Accipiter albogularis | Saker Falcon | II |
53 | Thulo Kanthae baaj | Accipiter badius | Redheaded Falcon | II |
54 | Sano Baaj | Falco columbarius | Merlin | II |
55 | Sano Baudai | Falco naumanni | Lesser Kestrel | II |
56 | Chirantak Baaj | Falco severus | Oriental Hobby | II |
57 | Jungae Chirantak Baaj | Falco subbuteo | Eurasian Hobby | II |
58 | Baudai | Falco tinnunculus | Common Kestrel | II |
59 | Sarus | Grus antigone | Sarus Crane | II |
60 | Laxman Sarus | Grus grus | Common Crane | II |
61 | Karang Kurung Sarus | Grus virgo | Demoiselle | II |
62 | Sano dundule | Glaucidium brodiel | Collared owlet | II |
63 | Thulo Dundule | Glaucidium cuculoides | Asian Barred Owlet | II |
64 | Dundule | Glaucidium radiatum | Barred Jungle Owlet | II |
65 | Myna | Gracula religiosa | Hill Myna | II |
66 | Dadi Bhayeko Gidda | Gypaetus barbatus | Bearded Vulture | II |
67 | Dhadae Gidda | Gyps bengalensis | White Backed Vulture | II |
68 | Khairo Gidda | Gyps fulvus | Eurasian Griffon | II |
69 | Himali Gidda | Gyps himalayensis | Himalayan griffon | II |
70 | Sano Gidda | Gyps indicus | Long Billed Griffon | II |
71 | Seto Taukae Chil | Haliastur indus | Brahmy Kite | II |
72 | Boksi Chil | Haliaeetus leucoryphus | Pallas's Fish Eagle | II |
73 | Morangae Chil | Haliaeetus leucoryphus | Bonelli's Eagle | II |
74 | Seto Kanthae Chil | Hieraaetus kienerii | Rufous Bellied Eagle | II |
75 | Kanch Chandra Chil | Hieraaetus pennatus | Booted Eagle | II |
76 | Sano Machhakul | Ichthyophaga humilis | Lesser Fish Eagle | II |
77 | Machhakul | Ichthyophaga ichthyaetus | Grey Headed Fish Eagle | II |
78 | Dronak Chil | Ictinaetus malayensis | Asian Black Eagle | II |
79 | Chilimae | Ithaginis cruentus | Blood Pheasant | II |
80 | Kailo Malaha Huchil | Ketupa flavipes | Tawny Fish Owl | II |
81 | Malaha Huchil | Ketupa zeylonensis | Brown Fish Owl | II |
82 | Chadikanae Mesia | Leiothrnix argentauris | Silver Eared Mesia | II |
83 | Rochisnu Mesia | Leothrix luteo | Red Billed Leiothrix | II |
84 | Sugi | Loriculus vernalis | Hanging parrot | II |
85 | Kalo Chil | Milvus migrans | Black Kite | II |
86 | Rato Chil | Milvus milvus | Red Kite | II |
87 | Giddha | Neophron percnopterus | Egyptian Vulture | II |
88 | Kalopechak | Ninox scutulata | Brown Hawk Owl | II |
89 | Chitri Ullak | Otus bakkamoena | Collared Scops Owl | II |
90 | Ullak | Otus spilocephalus | Mountain Scops Owl | II |
91 | Lekali Ullak | Otus sunia | Common Scops Owl | II |
92 | Malaha Baaj | Pandion haliaetus | Osprey | II |
93 | Pingle Latokosero | Phodilus badius | Bay owl | II |
94 | Bhadra Panchi | Phoenicopterus ruber | Flamingo | II |
95 | Pitta | Pitta nympha | Indian Pitta | II |
96 | Chamchae hans | Platalea leucorodia | Eurasian spoonbill | II |
97 | Majhi Suga | Psittacula alexandri | Red brested Parakeet | II |
98 | Tuisae suga | Psittacula cyanocephala | Plum Headed Parakeet | II |
99 | Karra Suga | Psittacula eupatria | Alexandrine Parakeet | II |
100 | Madana Suga | Psittacula himalayan | Slaty-headed parakeet | II |
101 | Rato Taukae suga | Psittacula roseate | Bloosom headed Parakeet | II |
102 | Kalo Gidda | Sarcogyps calvus | Indian Black Vulture | II |
103 | Nakhta | Sarkidiornis melanotos | Comb Duck(Nakta) | II |
104 | Kakakul | Spilornis cheela | Crested serpent Eagle | II |
105 | Raijorae | Spizaetus cirhatus | Changeable Hawk Eagle | II |
106 | Chil | Spizaetus nipalensis | Feather-toed Hawk Eagle | II |
107 | Lato Kosero | Strix Leptogrammica | Tawny Owl | II |
108 | Lato Kosero | Strix leptogrammica | Brown Wool Owl | II |
109 | Kothar,Lato kosero | Tyto alba | Barn Owl | II |
110 | Lato Kosero | Tyto capensis | Grass Owl | II |
111 | Munal | Traopan satyra | Crimson Horned Pheasant | III |
Amphibian | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Bhayaguto | Rana tigerina | Indian(Tiger)Bull Fro | II |
Butterfllies | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Hario Sunaulo Putali | Teinopalpus imperialis | Kaiser-I-Hind | II |
2 | Sunaulo Putali | Triodes aeacus aeacus | Golden Birdwing | II |
3 | Sunaulo Chari Putali | Triodes helenus | Common Birdwing | II |
Reptiles | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Kataia | Aspideretes gangeticus | Ganges Softshell Turtle | I |
2 | Badahar/Kataia | Aspideretes hurun | Peacock Softshell Turtle | I |
3 | Mugger Gohi | Crocodylus palustris | Mugger Crocodile | I |
4 | Ghadihal Gohi | Gavialis gangeticus | Gharial crocodile | I |
5 | Thotari | Kachuga tecta | Indian Roofed Turtle | I |
6 | Thotari | Melanchelys tricarinata | Tricarinate Hill Turtle | I |
7 | Ajinger | Python molurus | Asiatic Rock Python | I |
8 | Sun Gohorro | Varanus flavescens | Golden Monitor Lizzaed | I |
9 | Badahar | Chitra indica | Softshell Turtle | II |
10 | Anda khanae Sarpa | Elachistondon westermanni | Indian Egg Eating Snake | II |
11 | Thotari | Indotestudo elongata | Three -Stripped Roofed Turtle | II |
12 | Thotari | Kachuga dhongoka | Elongated Tortoise | II |
13 | Kachuwa | Kachuga flaviventer | Yellow Belled Roffed Turtle | II |
14 | Kachuwa | Kachuga smithi | Brown Roofed Turtle | II |
15 | Sewai Kachuwa | Lissemys punctata | Indian Flap Shelled Turtle | II |
16 | Goman | Naja naja | Asian Cobra | II |
17 | Raj Goman | Ophiophagus hannah | King Cobra | II |
18 | Dhaman | Ptyas mucosus | Common Rat Snake | II |
Flora | ||||
S.N | Nepali Name | Scientific Name | English Name | Appendix |
1 | Mirkae Lahara | Ceropegia pubescens | Milkweed | II |
2 | Uneu | Cyatheaceae spinosa | Tree ferns | II |
3 | Kalbal | Cycas pectinata | Cycas | II |
4 | Ban tarul | Dioscorea deltoidea | Dioscorea | II |
5 | Sabai Sungauva | Orchidaceae species | Orchid | II |
6 | Kutki | Picrorhiza kurrooa | Kutki | II |
7 | Lagupatra | Podophyllum hexandrum | May Apple | II |
8 | Sarpagandha | Rauvolfia serpentina | Serpentine | II |
9 | Lauth Sallo | Taxus baccata | Himalayan Yew | II |
10 | Bhotae Lahara | Gentum montanum | Gnetum | III |
11 | Caser | Meconopsis regia | Himalayan Yellow Poppy | III |
12 | Gunsi Lahara | Podocarpus nerifolius | Podocarpus | III |
13 | Champ | Talauma hodgsonii | Magnolia | III |
14 | Jharikotae | Tetracentron sinensis | Tetracentron | III |